

The First Lady of Georgia Mrs. Sandra Roelofs visited Health and Social Care program of Caritas Georgia. 

On November 13, 2012 the First Lady of Georgia Mrs. Sandra Roelofs visited Health and Social Care program of Caritas Georgia. The guest was hosted by Fr. Krzysztof Kowal, Director of Caritas Georgia and Mrs. Nona Piraeva, manager of the program who briefed her on the implementation of the program and other activities to help vulnerable people.


It was second visit of the First Lady to Caritas Georgia and she asks many questions about the work that is being done by the organization. At Caritas office Mrs. Roelofs met Mrs. Liana Megreladze one of the beneficiates of the project and afterwards went to visit bedridden beneficiaries at their homes.  


Visit of Mrs. Roelofs and heartfelt talk, small presents received were of great importance for these elderly people, they had an opportunity to remember past years and discuss the current problems with her.

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