
Healthy Life Style Initiative

Campaign - „Don’t Dink and Drive!“

11th of May, 2011 was the date of official launching of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety global campaign which was celebrated in more than 70 countries.

On that very day a new Campaign „Don't Drink and Drive!" was launched in the framework of the Georgia‘s First Lady's Healthy Life Style Initiative „Don't Worry, Be Healthy".

The Campaign/Project was initiated and conducted by "Georgian Alliance for Safe Roads". The donors of the Campaign are: Company "Natakhtari", Insurance Company "GPI Holding", Toyota Caucasus LLC and the U.S. Embassy in Georgia.

New Project aims to raise public awareness of the problems that drunk driving can cause, and to reduce the number of crashes caused by drunk driving.

The event was attended by government agencies (Parliament), nongovernmental organizations, diplomatic representatives as well as private sector companies committed to road safety.

Since the date has been chosen to coincide with the Decade of Action events, as a part of the launch all the speakers were wearing Decade of Action tags.

New video was released, with the participation of the Healthy Life Style Initiative puppet-characters - Nutsa and Nika, which will be shown in different TV channels.


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