
Healthy Life Style Initiative

New Campaign on Smoking Prevention, Physical Activity, Hygiene and Healthy Nutrition

On November 9, 2011 at the Courtyard by Marriot Hotel, the First Lady’s Healthy Lifestyle Initiative ”Don’t Worry, Be Healthy!” and L. Sakvarelidze National Center of Disease Control and Pubic Health have launched a new campaign on smoking prevention and physical activity, hygiene and healthy nutrition promotion.

The goal of the Healthy Lifestyle Initiative is to raise public awareness on smoking prevention, healthy nutrition, hygiene, physical activity, environment and road safety promotion through campaign puppet characters Nika and Nutsa, giving publicity to healthy lifestyle messages in a playful way. 

Promotional materials for pupils and parents were provided, as well as video clips with the participation of the Initiative’s puppet-characters Nika and Nutsa were released in the framework of the Initiative.

In the educational video clips Nika and Nutsa are talking about the harmful effects of passive smoking while at the same time setting an example for society of following hygiene norms, healthy nutrition guidelines and living physically active life.

The project is implementing by the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Implementation and Monitoring Center in Georgia, ACT Group, and Georgian Health Promotion and Education Foundation.

The project is financially supported by the European Union.


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