
Letters & Addresses

Various Country Leaders congratulated the President of Georgia on his birthday

Besides the close friends and relatives, the various country leaders congratulated the President of Georgia on his birthday on December 21. Mikheil Saakashvili received birthday cards from the Embassies working in Georgia, businessmen and famous people. Georgian citizens sent congratulating letters to the President as well. His first teacher Nineli Tatarashvili sent one of the warmest letters to Mikheil Saakashvili. She wished the President health and success for the wellbeing of our people.

The United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the President of Azerbaijan Ilkham Aliev congratulated the President on his birthday by phone. They wished the President good health, progress and every success in the process of building and developing the country.

The President of Georgia expressed his gratitude towards them for the attention and congratulations.

CIS country leaders sent Mikheil Saakashvili birthday cards as well.

The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev wished him happiness in his family, health and productive work. Nazarbayev wished Georgian friendly population - peace and prosperity. At the same time he expressed his hope that traditional friendly relations and cooperation between Georgian and Kazakhstani people will continue in the same dynamics in future as well for the wellbeing of both nations.

Mikheil Saakashvili received a birthday card from the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. Islam Karimov expressed his hopes in deepening cooperation and partnership relations between Georgia and Uzbekistan. He wished the President of Georgia success in a very responsible state activity and wished friendly Georgian nation wellbeing.

The Acting President of Moldova Mihai Ghimpu sent the Mikheil Saakashvili birthday card full of best wishes. He thanked the President of Georgia for his support towards people, who suffered during the natural disaster in Moldova. "I would like to underline that Georgian-Moldavian bilateral cooperation reached the high level with great appreciation, among this because of your personal efforts, which is directed towards the support of Moldova on the way of its democratization and fulfillment of European reforms. We really appreciate that you had personally supported Moldavian people, who suffered during the natural disaster and constructed more than 20 houses and a kindergarten in the zone of natural disaster", Mihai Ghimpu noted in his letter. He wished Georgian people wellbeing and peace.

The letter of the President of Belarus Aleksander Lukashenko was also full of hopes of irreversible development of cooperation and partnership and the best wishes. He wished his Georgian counterpart health, wellbeing, unexhausted energy and success on the position of country leader that is full of responsibility.  

The Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the United States in Georgia John Bass congratulated Mikheil Saakashvili on his birthday as well and noted that many friends of the President of Georgia in the United States wish him health and happiness.

The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguli Berdimukhamedov wished the President success in every step made for the sake of Georgian people.

Valdas Adamkus, (the former President of Lithuania in 1998-2003, 2004-2009) sent a very warm letter to Mikheil Saakashvili. He wished the President success in public activities and personal life. He recalled the period when he was visiting Georgia. He hopes that the process of building in Georgia will continue in such high tempo in future as well. "God bless your noble undertakings and the good things you do for Georgia", is noted in the letter.

Among those many people, who congratulated the President of Georgia on his birthday, there are - Kiev Mayor Leonid Chernovetsky, the Deputy of Ukraine Rada Yakov Tabachnik, the Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of Azerbaijan in Georgia Namig Aliev, the Ambassador of Lithuania Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary in Georgia Jonas Paslauskas, the Spanish Architect Alberto Domingo etc.     


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