
Letters & Addresses

Congratulations to the President of Georgia on Independence Day

The leaders of friendly countries of Georgia congratulate the President of Georgia on Independence Day. Mikheil Saakashvili received a warm card from Pope Benedict XVI - he wished the Georgia and its President blessings and welfare.

"I ask God Georgia to build a firmer and more solid state that will be opened to the world and that will defend its cultural and religious traditions", the card says.

The Emperor of Japan Akihito congratulated Mikheil Saakashvili on the 20th anniversary of Georgia's independence.

"It is great honor for me to congratulate you with all my heart on the day of Georgia's independence. Your Excellency I sincerely wish you happiness and I wish welfare to Georgian people".

The President of the Republic of Croatia Ivo Josipovic sent a congratulation card to his Georgian counterpart on behalf of the Croatian people and personally him and wished Georgian state prosperity.

"The National Independence Day gives me a chance to congratulate you and wish all the best to the Georgian people", the Queen of Netherlands writes in her congratulation card.

Quentin Bryce Governor-General of Australia sent an extended letter to the President of Georgia. She congratulates the President of Georgia and the Georgian people on behalf of the Australian people on Independence Day. She stressed her attention on the friendly relations between these two countries that gets deeper day-by-day.

"At the same time I want to underline the cooperation between Georgia and Australia in the frames of the United Nations. The Government of Australia evaluates the involvement of Georgian military units in Iraq mission under the auspices of UN and participation in Afghan mission as well.

The Government of Australia once again expresses its position connected with the recognition of Georgia's territorial integrity and uses all the possible levers in order to defend all points of cease fire agreement and to discuss these issues on the international level for the stabilization of the situation on the Georgian territory in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. I believe that friendly relations between our countries will continue next year as well", Quentin Bryce writes in her note.

President of Portugal Aníbal Cavaco Silva wishes the President of Georgia and Georgian people welfare and success.  

In the letter of the President of Poland Bronislav Komarovski is underlined Georgia's and Poland's true partnership and constructive cooperation, and as the President of Poland says it is a good example of how two European countries can cooperate.

I want to reaffirm my readiness for the development of Polish-Georgian cooperation based on open relationships and principles of solidarity. 

At the same time Mr. President I wish to reaffirm support that Polish Republic carries out for democratization and modernization of Georgia and expresses great honor towards your country and its achievements in the process of Euro-integration. When Polish Republic chairs EU one of our major aspirations will be to strengthen European contacts and deepen them in South Caucasian region", the card says.

The President of Poland notes that he is going to visit Georgia in summer.

Mikheil Saakashvili received congratulations from former Soviet Republic leaders. Among them are the Presidents of Turkmenistan and Armenia.  

The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguli Berdimukhamedov wished the President of Georgia and Georgian nation peace, welfare, progress and prosperity on behalf of Turkmen people and the Government. The President of Armenia Serj Sargsyan expressed his hope due to the friendship that counts many centuries the mutually useful cooperation will still continue. It is very important for the development of the whole region and our two countries.  

Prince Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence and Aviation and the General Inspector wishes the President of Georgia health and happiness; and to the friendly Georgian nation permanent progress and prosperity.

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