

The adress of the President of Georgia
Georgia has elected a new president and I want to express my gratitude to each voter who participated in these polls, because all elections, regardless of its result, each time serves the further development of democracy and democracy is the main point on which a political system s based and of which we are so proud. Georgian voters have told their word and I’d like to tell the voters, who are dissatisfied with the results of the polls – we must all respect the choice of the majority of voters.
Elections in Georgia have taken place and Georgia has elected a new president and I want to express my gratitude to each voter who participated in these polls, because all elections, regardless of its result, each time serves the further development of democracy and democracy is the main point on which a political system s based and of which we are so proud. Georgian voters have told their word and I’d like to tell the voters, who are dissatisfied with the results of the polls – we must all respect the choice of the majority of voters, however unacceptable this choice might be for us – this is a rule of democracy. We all respect rule of law and the position of the majority of voters. But at the same time, I understand that many people are disappointed, but we should always listen to what the minority says, including majority. Voter turnout at these elections was significantly low today in comparison with previous elections and this is a very important signal for the need of dialogue with our people.
Therefore, the rights of all circles of the society, of each voter, including those, who did not vote today at all, must be protected. The rights must be protected and their positions – respected. I admit that I believe that the developments in Georgia during past one year and today too, including the results we have today, are a serious move back.
At the same time, I deeply believed that in the circumstances, when Georgia is irreversibly heading towards its natural place – Europe and Georgian voters firmly support this course, when during past years we have generations fully following the new reality, we have gained new experience, I believe that dark and regressive forces cannot win, they cannot make roots here.
Any obstacle is temporary and we’ll continue our movement. I address that part of the society, which dislikes these results, I understand them very well. I want to tell them – don’t give up, because each step back is temporary. Based on the traditions, which we shaped during past ten years and we can no longer be uprooted, I believe that Georgia will have a bright future.
We’ll overcome all obstacles! We’ll compensate the wasted time and go ahead for better future.

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