
Speeches & Statements

11/29/2011 The Presidents of Georgia and Armenia made joint statements It is a great honor for us to welcome you to Georgia.
11/25/2011 Joint statements of Mikheil Saakashvili and Krzystof Lisek during the ceremony of awarding Krzystof Lisek the Victory Order of Saint George. I would like to greet my friend, a friend of Georgia and a very important member of the European Parliament from Poland - Krzystof Lisek.
11/23/2011 The President of Georgia has given a speech at the opening ceremony of the Ronald Reagan statue I think a very small part of our society, mainly the representatives of political parties, are interested in why we are dedicating a statue of Ronald Reagan, why in Tbilisi and why at Rike.
11/23/2011 The President of Georgia addressed the public gathered at the presentation of a new district in Tbilisi   I welcome everyone.This is indeed a very important day, as...
11/23/2011 The address delivered by Mikheil Saakashvili at the ceremony of decoration of the Presidential Orders of Excellence
After discussions with different influential people we have decided to decorate certain successful and excellent representatives of different spheres of the society.
11/23/2011 The Address by the President A rainy day was forecasted for today. I am not sure whether the meteorological service of City Hall has anything to do with it or how it works, but even yesterday, when the snowy rain and wind was forecasted in Kutaisi, the sky was clear and it was a warm, sunny day as we arrived there.
11/17/2011 Address by the President of Georgia regarding the European Parliament resolution I rarely resort to a live address, without a press conference or a specific event, yet I cannot ignore a truly historic resolution – the Resolution on Georgia that the European Parliament adopted today.
11/16/2011 The President of Georgia attended the ceremonial opening of “Ilia Lake” Welcome everyone!
11/16/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili and Catherine Ashton made joint statements for the media We are glad that the European Union’s High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the Vice President of the European Commission – Baroness Catherine Ashton is visiting Georgia
11/11/2011 Remarks of the President of Georgia at the International Democrat Union President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili at the international conference International Democrat Union
11/10/2011 Mikheil Saakashvili and Anders Fogh Rasmussen  held Joint press conference The President of Georgia and the NATO Secretary General assessed the results of the visit of the North Atlantic Council and stated that Georgia has never been so close to NATO as it is today.The President of Georgia and the NATO Secretary General assessed the results of the visit of the North Atlantic Council and stated that Georgia has never been so close to NATO as it is today.
11/10/2011 The NATO Secretary General and the President of Georgia opened the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Batumi In his opening remarks, the NATO Secretary General stresed that Georgia will become a member of NATO. In his turn, Mikheil Saakashvili thanked the representatives of the members states of the aliance for their support.
11/7/2011 The President of Georgia addressed members of the Parliament Majority Greetings!
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