
Meetings & Visits

9/24/2013 President of Georgia Meets President of Poland in New York At the meeting, the two presidents discussed ways to deepen already excellent friendly relations between the two country.
9/5/2013 The President of Georgia met with the Foreign Ministers of Benelux countries A wide spectrum of issues was discussed during the meeting including prospects of deepening bilateral cooperation between the countries.
7/30/2013 The President of Georgia met with Jaroslaw Kaczynski The President of Georgia met with the chairman of the Law and Justice Polish political party and former Prime Minister of Poland, Jaroslaw Jaczynski.
6/18/2013 The President of Georgia met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine The President of Georgia met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Leonid Kozhara. Diplomatic relations and deepening economic cooperation between the two countries was the main topic of discussion during the meeting.
5/17/2013 The President of Georgia met with the Mayor of Newark The President of Georgia met with the Mayor of Newark within the scope of his visit to the United States. Implemented reforms and interesting projects were the main topics of discussion during the meeting.
5/14/2013 The President of Georgia met with an American Senator, Marco Rubio Ongoing political events in the country and deeper cooperation within the scope of strategic partnership were main topics of discussion during the meeting.
5/1/2013 The President of Georgia met with the US Secretary of State Deepening relations between Georgia and the US was the main topic of discussion during the meeting.
4/6/2013 The President of Georgia met with the Prime Minister of Turkey Mikheil Saakashvili and Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed issues of deepening cooperation, relations of the two countries and Georgia’s integration in NATO.
2/27/2013 Mikheil Saakashvili met with the Chairman of Milli Mejlis in Baku The sides spoke about historic friendship between the Georgian and Azeri people and set future goals
2/27/2013 The official visit of the President of Georgia in the Republic of Azerbaijan has begun The official welcoming ceremony was held at the Zagulba Palace in Baku after which the Presidents of Georgia and Azerbaijan held a bilateral meeting.
2/12/2013 Mikheil Saakashvili met with the EU Commissioner for Neighboring Policy, Stefan Fule Future cooperation of Georgia and the EU within the scope of Eastern Partnership was the main topic of discussion.